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‘Sing the song of your soul’


Compact Disk

 Coaching: private sessions and workshops 

'I went to a workshop by Neriyah and then had 3 private sessions with her and wow, have I learned a lot. Neriyah has been such a beautiful and wise teacher and she has taught me so much-through more than just her words. She taught me how to work with my body to access my emotions, to feel my emotions, to let them be, and to let them release into new forms. After these sessions my belief in self-change has been re-ignited, I feel hopeful, and I can see a joyful inner hiking trip!

I highly recommend sessions with Neriyah for anyone; anyone who needs healing, anyone who wants to get to know themselves on a deeper level, even for someone who needs healing but does not feel ready to go to all those dark places, this inner work is gentle and meets you where you are presently and gives you a skill to be used for life.

Thank you, dear Neriyah, G'd bless you and your holy work.'

Written by R.B. 30 years, mother of 1 child



'The skype session I recently had with Neriyah gave me a lot! I am really surprised about the effect. Neriyah taught me in a very gentle and loving way, how to get along with what’s happening in my life. It was a treatment in which Neriyah helped me to feel better in my body through various exercises, to get in touch with my feelings and she taught me how to embrace these feelings.


After the exercises that we have done together, I had a different view on the difficult things I faced. I felt lighter, relieved but also stronger, more confident. That's probably the effect of the radiant light that I felt. It was as if I h

ad lost a huge weight from my shoulders. Thank you Neriyah.'


Written by K.Z. 50 years, mother of three children.


'Working with Neriyah has been a deep life changing experience for me. Her coaching sessions consistently provide fresh opportunities to spotlight the true nature of my life situation and how it's so hard for me to connect with my emotions when painful life situations arise.  Neriyah’s coaching provides a warm and gentle but effective approach to enable me to tap into my deep reservoir of feelings and to experience them in the present moment.

Her approach to dealing with life's turbulence is very different approach then any other counseling I have ever worked with, but one with effective direction and results. I highly recommend her services for any woman looking for warm nurturing guidance in the areas of: building yourself, self acceptance and unconditional love.'  

Written by F.G. 46 years, mother of four children.



"By embracing ourselves the feeling of hardship and pain dissolve." 

'Most of us don’t know what this means and chalk it off as "popular lingo." Neria sees these words in the realm of action. She is a highly adept facilitator and coach who helps us ask "the right question" that comes from our body, mind and soul. By us learning to ask the right question, we can become sensitive to the answer, helping us learn how, in practicality, to "take care of ourselves." By fully accepting our difficulties and challenges in a peaceful manner, our soul rises up in clarity, bringing a genuine relationship with ourselves, our friends and family and, above all, G-d.


Neriyah facilitates our growth by helping us to find clarity with these questions:

1. How can I have a more genuine relationship with my friends, family, and G-d throughout my busy and stressful day?

2. How can I actually get through the pains and difficulties that I face each day that seem to just pile up?

3. I see myself building a protective wall around me. I know that this is not good and its not what I want. But I just don’t know what else I can do.

4. How can I even think of helping a world that has seemingly gone mad?


Theme: "Answer me with the truth of Your salvation"

We all beg for answers from G-d. Sometimes desperately.


Our faith tells us that:

1. G-d answers directly, simply, and clearly.

2. Our job is to learn to ask the right question. G-d has given us mind, heart, body and soul to do this. The more we understand the underlying question, the more we are aware and can begin to understand the answer. 


Neriyah facilitates this process by listening to what's happening in our body and our emotions. By being attuned and sensitive to these things, she helps us understand what our neshama/soul is really asking, and what might be the underlying issue.


Neriyah is a helper who aids in the synthesis and narrowing down of the question-- helping us to know what it is that our soul needs to do on this earthly realm in order to be truly joyful and vibrant. Answers occur all the time. Many times we are just too stressed, blocked, or calloused/numb to really "hear" them.


By learning Neriyah's process we can become much more aware of answers [significant "hints" to our questions] that are given to us during our increasingly busy day.


Her facilitation and coaching brings strength, confidence and personal independence to our lives. 


By learning to ask to right question and being sensitive to the answer, a strongly vibrant and connected relationship can be developped with G-d, family and the world, thus, bringing healing to all three. And by the end of the day I can stand tall knowing that through sharing this process with my family and friends, I have performed a vital and vibrant part in healing the world.'


Written by S.L. 50+, married





'Neriyah, it was so wonderful going to your concert. You blended lyrics, melodies, deep thoughts and stories to take all of us higher. Thank you!!'



'Refined, faith in Hashem; powerful, inspiring. In my eyes, you are blessed with the ability to compose beautiful music, melodies and lyrics. Combined with your voice and your facial expression literally gave me goose bumps. I could feel the love that you feel for Hashem, the authenticity, the intensity that inspired me.' 



'It was amazing; so unique! You made us aware of the difficult journey converts go through. It was so moving to see your relationship with your sons; their faces were shining while you were performing!'


'I got so much emunah from this concert! Thank you so much!'



'What an uplifting, inspiring evening! I am so happy that I came!'



'I couldn't keep my eyes dry. So moving!'



'I could feel how she is connected to Hashem!'


'The concert gave me so, so much; it's unbelievable! Women need this! lt was like going to ten shiurim before Rosh Hashana! Please continue!'



 Compact Disk 

'Neriyah’s heavenly voice together with her sincere love for Hashem, His Torah and the Land of Israel inspires and elevates the soul to come close to the Creator. Her soulful song and music brought tears to my eyes.'

Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum,
DirectorMidreshet B’erot Bat Ayin: Holistic Torah for Women on the Land.

'Neriyah’s music is a combination of pure sincerity and tremendous depth of spirit. Anyone who listens to it will inevitably be lifted to a higher level of inner peace.'

Rabanit Batya Kohn,
DirectorMidreshet Zohar Bat Ayin: Inspiring Torah for Israeli Women.

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